I’m watching cartoon Avatar. He is talking about 4 different communities, the people of water, fire, earth and air, who are always at war, just like in our world. And the Avatar who was born to save the world. As […]
I’m reading a lot of books these days, storybooks, books about yoga, symbolism… also life stories I listen while translating. I have a student whom I’ve been teaching yoga for many years, and we couldn’t discover the benefits of yoga […]
For me, knowing oneself is like an archaeological excavation. The cultures uncovered in archaeological excavations are investigated by utilizing many branches of science such as sociology, geography, history, ethnology. In order to get to know oneself, one begins to understand […]
I’m reading Eric Berne’s book these days, it’s called “Games people play”. I was at the consulate yesterday to witness the election; I met a lot of new people. People I have never met, people whose lives are very different […]