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Ufak Bir Alıntı

"Bizler yaşamı öğrenirken, benzer deneyimleri değişik şekillerde tecrübe ederiz. Ancak hayatı yaşarken benzer deneyimlerden korkar ve hata yapmadan yaşamaya çalışırız. Oysaki yaşam yeniden yaşanmaya değer ve deneyimlerin birikimiyle mükemmelliğe doğru yol alır."

- Hatice Aslı Tamaç / Yaşamla Yoga Kitabından
Visayavati-Va-Pravrttih-Utpanna-Manasah-Sthiti-Nibandhani- 1.35 Patanjali’s Sutra Through the experience of perception, called Visyati, the mind attains stillness. As a writer, journalist and editor Brenda Ueland says, “You are unique, as you are not like any of the beings that have been created […]
Exploring with Art
Last time I went to the Iyengar Yoga class in Jivamukti Paris, our teacher said, “Take 3 blocks (2 thick, 1 thin) and 4 blankets with you”. In Iyengar Yoga class, it is necessary to do the movements with these […]
Communication with the body
I’m reading Eric Berne’s book these days, it’s called “Games people play”. I was at the consulate yesterday to witness the election; I met a lot of new people. People I have never met, people whose lives are very different […]
To Know Yourself Through Art
For me, knowing oneself is like an archaeological excavation. The cultures uncovered in archaeological excavations are investigated by utilizing many branches of science such as sociology, geography, history, ethnology. In order to get to know oneself, one begins to understand […]
Discover Yourself
I’m reading a lot of books these days, storybooks, books about yoga, symbolism… also life stories I listen while translating. I have a student whom I’ve been teaching yoga for many years, and we couldn’t discover the benefits of yoga […]
Fire Element
I’m watching cartoon Avatar. He is talking about 4 different communities, the people of water, fire, earth and air, who are always at war, just like in our world. And the Avatar who was born to save the world. As […]
What is alignment? According to what is the body aligned? When I talk about alignment, an architectural term that comes to my mind from the times I was doing construction work. “Tensigrity” was told to me by the civil engineer […]
Being Human
I went to work in the morning. My job is to translate the problems, wishes, illnesses, and stories of refugees. When I left the second meeting, I met another interpreter outside. — Get well soon, she said what happened to […]
Taking Care of The Body
How do I take care of my body? Whatever I do makes him happy? Is it me or my body that is happy? Are our bodies and us separate? Although it is sometimes difficult to answer this question, the body […]
Find Your Music
We try to live a life in which we regret what is not, do not like what is, imagine the way it should be, and then get disappointed. We do not look at how we can change what happened afterwards […]
“Art clears the dust on the perception.” I saw this statement at the door of an art gallery last night while touring the city. I did not understand what it meant at first. I clean my house every day because […]
I started knitting recently, when my collage try outs did not reflect what I wanted, I said I’d make something I know. I have forgotten that it has been years since I have not knitted, there is no person left […]
Thoughts that come to mind
When we think that there is not much left to learn or see, we think that life has come to an end. What we actually do is to fill-up time and wish for another time to open. As a child […]
Natural Disasters and Emotions
The other day, while listening to people at work, I thought, what happened to us, what we felt at that moment, the choices we made as a result of those feelings, and the events that developed after that actually affect […]

"Yaşamla Yoga" nasıl doğdu?

Gayem okuryazar sayfası editörü, kim bu konuşan çocuk kitabının yazarı Gaye’ye kitap yazmak istediğimi ancak Murat Gürsoy’un bana önce blog yaz dediğini söyledim ve gene de ben kitap yazmak istiyorum dedim.
Gaye sen yaz ben düzelteyim ve mnce bi blog’da bakalım dedi ne oluyor, nasıl tepkiler diye...
2013 yılınının Nisan ayında Ferhan Yükselden Yoga eğitmenliği sertifikamı almadan başladım kızlarla yani Gaye, Seçil, Demet ve .......... Böyle doğdu Yaşamla Yoga. Bana eşlik eden süper kızlara, benim beni bulmam için hep yanımda olan çocuklarıma, deneyimle isteğimin hep ayakta kalmasını sağlayan anneme ve babama ve içimi boşaltabilmem için beni dinleyen Özge Orbay’a teşekkürlerimle.

Yaşamla Yoga

Dorlion Yayınevi tarafından 2020 yılında basılan ve beş yıllık bir serüvenin sonunda kaleme aldığım "Yaşamla Yoga" artık yayında.
Kitaba Ulaş