I’m reading Eric Berne’s book these days, it’s called “Games people play”.
I was at the consulate yesterday to witness the election; I met a lot of new people. People I have never met, people whose lives are very different from mine, people full of anger, people who are loving, people who live their own way. Every day we meet thousands of them and approach them in our own state of being.
What we ask or say is determined by our expectations, our inner desires, where we focus, and our own history. These are the states that we know and communicate by thinking that we are listening to the other person. However, learning to listen to what the other person is saying requires a different understanding.
For a while, articles, researches and books have emerged that the body has a language of its own and that it actually tells us about our every state. So, yoga books for me. This is how I try to understand my own body and also when I work with other bodies.
I see my body as a multifunctional machine made up of thousands of different machines. A coffee machine one day, a washing machine the next, a blender the next… I research what to grind, how to distill water, how to clean the stains left inside me.
As I look at my body and the other person’s body, I apply the movements to develop an engineering theory of what areas should be able to work for all these functions.
Take a look at your own body, what does it tell you? How do you approach him/her after you say hello. Do you take the time to listen to him/her? Or do you already know how he/she will respond?
My body is talking to me, helping me, sometimes it says “Let me go, I’m stuck”, sometimes “I want to relax”… Listen to your body, what does it say to you?